Sunday, May 9, 2021

Use this homemade liquid fertilizer as a rich source of nitrogen and potassium for your plants.

Be it gardening beginners or those who have been into gardening for quite a few years, all of us are constantly looking out for organic homemade fertilizers which can provide rich nutrients to the plants.

Various liquid fertilizers

In this hunt for liquid fertilizers, we would have tried quiet a lot of homemade fertilizers ranging from manure tea, compost tea, banana peel liquid fertilizers, onion skin liquid fertilizer to crushed egg shell liquid fertilizer.

This particular fertilizer that we are going to discuss today is quite different from the above ones and it can be easily made from one if the common plants that grows in your garden or backyard itself. But, this plant is considered a waste and commonly thrown away. It is also mostly considered as a hindrance to your other useful for growing vegetable plants or growing ornamental plants.

Magic fertilizer for all the plants in your garden

By this time you should have guessed it, yes it is nothing other than grass. Most of the time, almost in every garden and lawns we have these grasses growing out of control. We just trim of the grasses and throw it away.

What does the usage of grass do for your plants in the garden?

Here is the good news. These grasses when used as a liquid fertilizer will contribute to enhanced growth and development of plants and it also increases the quality of food provided by the plants.

Ok, now before we move onto the actual process of how to make liquid fertilizer using grass, let's see what component in grass actually contributes to this better growth of your plants.

use of grass in your garden

What nutrient does grass have which acts as a fertilizer for plants?

Grass is very high in nitrogen content and this component is the one that actually makes up the plant DNA and chlorophyll, which is necessary for making its own food.

Apart from this, the grass liquid fertilizer is also rich in potassium and this is the component that plays multiple roles in plant growth. Potassium helps in help in 

1. Easy transport of water, nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue
2. Increase root growth
3. Reduce wilting
4. Increases photosynthesis
5. Enhances the protein content in plants
6. Decreases or slows down crop diseases

Video on 11 organic fertilizers that you wouldn't have known


How to make grass liquid fertilizer for your garden?

Having so many benefits for your garden, now it is high time to see how to make this grass liquid fertilizer or grass garden tea for your plants.

Step 1. Every time you cut down your grass from your lawn or your backyard, just collect them in a bucket.

using grass as liquid fertilizer for plants

Step 2. Once you have half a bucket of these grass cuttings add water in the bucket till it covers the grass surface.

Step 3. Allow this to sit for 1week to 10 days.

Step 4. Intermittently keep mixing it, in order to aerate it well

Unknown homemade liquid fertilizer rich in nitrogen and potassium

Step 5. After 10 days you can use this grass liquid  homemade fertilizer directly to your plants or if you want to feed your seedlings or smaller plants, just dilute the solution in 1:3 ratio and add it to the plants.

This fertilizer can be made much effective by adding few other plants or something called weeds in your garden. Here are the other kinds of weeds or plants that can be added to make the liquid fertilizer.

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