Showing posts with label gardening for beginners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening for beginners. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Do you notice these common signs in your plant - BE ALERT - Gardening tips and Gardening ideas.

Plant nutrients and it's importance: 

Plants, just like us need nutrients and having great interest in gardening, we would have definitely tried out different fertilizers. We will now see about what nutrients plants actually need and in addition to this we will also see when is the right time to provide the plant nutrients. 

Importance of noting various signs in plants, to identify the kind of nutrient lacking in the plant: 

You need not be an expert farmer or gardener to know these, as this is not rocket science. These are just simple gardening tricks and gardening tips that you need to know. 

Signs in the leaves and what do they indicate: 

First we will see certain signs in leaves and will see which nutrient deficiency causes these signs, so that we can supply the plant with those specific nutrients. Check out for brown spots in the leaves especially in the edges, yellowing of veins, yellow edges and brown veins. 

Browning of leaves

In addition to these signs curling of leaves, purple spots under the leaves should also be looked for. Mostly these deficiency symptoms will begin to appear in older leaves. 

Browning of leaf tips

Brown Leaf tips

What happens if these signs are left unnoticed: 

This when left unnoticed will lead to overall reduction in plant growth including reduced root development, seed and fruit development. If you notice any of these or most of these symptoms then it is definitely due to potassium deficiency. Potassium is the 3rd most important nutrient required by plants. 

Potassium deficiency and plant diseases:

Moreover, potassium deficiency will lead to more diseases in plants, this is because the thickening of cell walls in plants will not happen properly. This is because when adequate amount of potassium is present, silica will be accumulated and incorporated into the cell wall thus strengthening the cell wall which functions as a physical barrier to the pathogens which cause plant diseases. So now let's see what we can do to increase the level of potassium. We will look into certain natural sources of potassium. 

Natural sources of potassium: 

Seaweed, wood ash, crop residue, manures, kelp meal, green sand (which can be got in the nursery), fruit peel fertilizer - especially banana peel fertilizer and coffee grounds. 

Wood ash

Green sand as fertilizer for plants

Kelp meal as plant fertilizer

Seaweed as plant fertilizer

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Use this homemade liquid fertilizer as a rich source of nitrogen and potassium for your plants.

Be it gardening beginners or those who have been into gardening for quite a few years, all of us are constantly looking out for organic homemade fertilizers which can provide rich nutrients to the plants.

Various liquid fertilizers

In this hunt for liquid fertilizers, we would have tried quiet a lot of homemade fertilizers ranging from manure tea, compost tea, banana peel liquid fertilizers, onion skin liquid fertilizer to crushed egg shell liquid fertilizer.

This particular fertilizer that we are going to discuss today is quite different from the above ones and it can be easily made from one if the common plants that grows in your garden or backyard itself. But, this plant is considered a waste and commonly thrown away. It is also mostly considered as a hindrance to your other useful for growing vegetable plants or growing ornamental plants.

Magic fertilizer for all the plants in your garden

By this time you should have guessed it, yes it is nothing other than grass. Most of the time, almost in every garden and lawns we have these grasses growing out of control. We just trim of the grasses and throw it away.

What does the usage of grass do for your plants in the garden?

Here is the good news. These grasses when used as a liquid fertilizer will contribute to enhanced growth and development of plants and it also increases the quality of food provided by the plants.

Ok, now before we move onto the actual process of how to make liquid fertilizer using grass, let's see what component in grass actually contributes to this better growth of your plants.

use of grass in your garden

What nutrient does grass have which acts as a fertilizer for plants?

Grass is very high in nitrogen content and this component is the one that actually makes up the plant DNA and chlorophyll, which is necessary for making its own food.

Apart from this, the grass liquid fertilizer is also rich in potassium and this is the component that plays multiple roles in plant growth. Potassium helps in help in 

1. Easy transport of water, nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue
2. Increase root growth
3. Reduce wilting
4. Increases photosynthesis
5. Enhances the protein content in plants
6. Decreases or slows down crop diseases

Video on 11 organic fertilizers that you wouldn't have known


How to make grass liquid fertilizer for your garden?

Having so many benefits for your garden, now it is high time to see how to make this grass liquid fertilizer or grass garden tea for your plants.

Step 1. Every time you cut down your grass from your lawn or your backyard, just collect them in a bucket.

using grass as liquid fertilizer for plants

Step 2. Once you have half a bucket of these grass cuttings add water in the bucket till it covers the grass surface.

Step 3. Allow this to sit for 1week to 10 days.

Step 4. Intermittently keep mixing it, in order to aerate it well

Unknown homemade liquid fertilizer rich in nitrogen and potassium

Step 5. After 10 days you can use this grass liquid  homemade fertilizer directly to your plants or if you want to feed your seedlings or smaller plants, just dilute the solution in 1:3 ratio and add it to the plants.

This fertilizer can be made much effective by adding few other plants or something called weeds in your garden. Here are the other kinds of weeds or plants that can be added to make the liquid fertilizer.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

5 must know Gardening Hacks and Gardening Ideas - Gardening for Beginners

Gardening is an evergreen hobby for almost everyone. More and more youngsters are getting interested in gardening, and organic gardening has taken up a new place in the hearts of people. If you are here reading this blog, then definitely you are also one among them looking for some easy gardening hacks or gardening ideas that can help you grow as a successful gardener. If you are looking for some kind of content related to gardening for beginners, then go ahead and read till the end. 

Gardening hack number 1: News papers can help you get rid of the number one gardening enemy - the weeds. 

If you are a gardening beginner, then definitely weeds will be one of the most common gardening problems that you will face. Ofcourse, these are still a hectic problem for those who have been gardening for years together. Here is a simple but highly effective hack that will help you get rid of the weeds in your garden bed. 

Just take a thick layer of newspaper and spread it around your plants just leaving the area of the plants that you have planted. Water it well so that it will not fly away. The thick layer of newspaper will not allow the seeds of the weeds to sprout and grow. 

Other alternatives: Instead of a news paper you can use rice sacks and to add some weight on the rice sacks to stop it from flying. You can just add some sand or gravel on top of it. 


Gardening hack number 2: Ants and vaseline, what's the link?

Ants are the next biggest problem in the garden or It might even be inside your house. Vaseline can help you get rid of ants, wondering how? Just dab some vaseline in the ant hole openings, ant’s pathways and places where they hide. Ants and other such insects do not move on the sticky layer.

Gardening hack number 3: See what baby powders can do for your plants.

If you have been into gardening for quite longer, you would have definitely known that Japanese beetles are one among the troubles for your flower and vegetable garden. These can be avoided by just sprinkling some baby powder on the plant leaves. This will keep them away at least till the powder is washed off. 

Gardening idea number 4: Do cats usually tend to spoil your herb garden?

Small herb gardens in your kitchen window sill or in your backyard are the most common place of visit for your cats and these easily tend to mess up your herb garden. To prevent cats, just place some forks around the herb plants just as shown in the picture below.

Gardening idea number 5: Plan out for companion gardening. 

There are certain plants that thrive well when planted close to other plants and there are certain plants that thrive well only when planted alone. For instance, tomatoes, the most commonly grown vegetable at home, tends to thrive well and produce more when planted together with basil. Other companion plants for tomatoes are spinach, carrots, lettuce, onion etc. Here are the enemies for tomatoes and they are, cabbage,potatoes, beets, rosemary etc. 

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