Showing posts with label rowing plants fro cuttings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rowing plants fro cuttings. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2021

How to propagate plants successfully like a pro - Gardening tips for Plant propagation.

Propagation has been the most looked out method for multiplying plants as we would like to fill our garden space with beautiful plants in an cost-effective manner.  Multiplying the plants in our garden and balcony, to give that jungle look to our living space, using plant propagation, has also become trending among young gardeners. 

Plant propagation

Moreover, Propagating plants can easily add more plants to either your indoor or outdoor collections. 

There are various methods of plant propagation and propagating plants through cuttings is one of the easiest and cost effective methods. 

When it comes to Growing new plants through plant cuttings, it can either be through stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, or root cuttings

Leaf cuttingsroot cuttings

Now we will see about the process and few plants that can be propagated through stem cuttings. The list will include a mix of indoor and outdoor plants. 

When it comes to stem cuttings the kind of stem can be categorised as 

1. Herbaceous

2. Softwood

3. Semi hardwood

4. Hardwood

Herbaceous stem cuttings:

These are done for herbaceous plants that are non - woody. 

Herbaceous stem cuttings

Herbaceous stem cutting propagation method can be used for Coleus propagation, Chrysanthemum propagation, Philodendron propagation, propagating Impatiens, propagating Poinsettias, wandering Jew propagation and Dahlia propagation. Rosemary cuttings are very easy to propagate. Thyme and mint propagation can also be done from herbaceous stem cuttings. 

Softwood stem cuttings:

These are the soft, succulent, young, stem cuttings from woody plants. These softwood of the plant will snap when bent and will also have leaves that are not yet fully mature. 

The bending test is the best method for finding the right softwood for plant propagation

  • ‌New growth will generally be greenish and will not break easily when bent. 

  • ‌Soft wood will easily break when bent and this is just right for propagation of plants through stem cuttings. ‌

  • Hardwood will not break easily. 

Softwood stem cuttings

Some plants that can be propagated through softwood stem cuttings are, coleus, gardenia, geranium, hibiscus, lilac, salvia, etc. Hydrangea cuttings, lavender cuttings, jade plant cuttings,

Semi hardwood cuttings:

Semi hardwood cuttings are collected from the stem that has grown in that season, but has hardened and matured. 

These stems will have leaves of full size. 

Semi hardwood cuttings take longer to form roots. 

Some plants that can be propagated using semi hardwood cuttings are Coprosma (taupata), camellia, azalea, New Zealand broadleaf (Griselinia), hebe, Fuschia, Leucodendron, boxwood, rhododendron and holly. 

Hardwood cuttings:

Hardwood cuttings are nearly 1 inch in width and are taken from stems that have grown the previous season. They are not easy to break. 

Examples of plants that can be grown from hardwood cuttings are figs, Pomegranates, mulberries, grapes, gooseberries etc. 

Here is the exact process of propagating plants from stem cuttings. 

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